Android Custom Adapter con Fragments

ListView view of app
ListView view of app

He estado tomando un par de cursos online sobre Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Android, para ayudarme en un proyecto que tengo en mente, usando un Custom Drawer para navegar entre secciones (Fragments) y usando como backend para la obtencion de la data. Les dejo un mini-tutorial.

Este es el fragmento que se necesita mostrar. Tiene un TextView en la parte superior para usar como titulo
This is the fragment you need to show on the app. Notice the ListView has an ID. It also has a TextView to show headlines




Este es el diseno que nuestro ‘Custom Adapter’ usara para insertar la data a cada Fila de nuestro ‘ListView’
This is the layout our custom adapter is going to use to fetch the data into each Row in our ListView. The style here is going to show as each item for the main List



Este es nuestro adaptor. Usa el objeto placesObject para colocar el texto en los campos de adapter_layout.xml
This is our custom adapter that uses a ParseObject placesObject to set the text of our adapter_layout.xml fields

 * Custom Adapter for Places List
 * Created by Leonel on 01-01-2015.

public class PlacesAdapter extends ArrayAdapter {
    protected Context mContext;
    protected List mPlaces;

    public PlacesAdapter(Context context, List place) {
        super(context, R.layout.places_custom_fragment, place);
        mContext = context;
        mPlaces = place;

    public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        ViewHolder holder;

        if (convertView == null) {
            convertView = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(
                    R.layout.places_custom_fragment, null);
            holder = new ViewHolder();
            holder.placeName = (TextView) convertView
            holder.placeDescription = (TextView) convertView

        } else {
            holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();

        ParseObject placesObject = mPlaces.get(position);

        // title
        String place = placesObject.getString("placeName");

        // content
        String description = placesObject.getString("placeDescription");

        return convertView;

    public static class ViewHolder {
        TextView placeName;
        TextView placeDescription;
Creamos la consulta a y lo enviamos a nuestro adaptor para ser expandido
In our onActivityCreated, we make our query and send it to our adapter to be expanded.

public class PlacesFragment extends Fragment {

	private boolean mSearchCheck;
        protected List mPlaces;

	public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // TODO Populate ListView with Data from Parse

        //Query All Places

        final ListView mlist = (ListView)getView().findViewById(;

        ParseQuery query = ParseQuery.getQuery("Places");
        query.findInBackground(new FindCallback() {
            public void done(List place, ParseException e) {
                if (e == null) {
                    mPlaces = place;

                    PlacesAdapter adapter = new PlacesAdapter(getActivity(), mPlaces);
                } else {

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Vinculo al curso en Udemy